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last edited
by tmcneill@... 7 years, 10 months ago
Awesome Science Resources
Respecting Our Environment
- Green Street www.green-street.ca/home/index_e.html
- Natual Science: A global look at wildlife migration Journey North, Signs of the Season - Journey North, Biomes, NatureServe, PBS Nature Videos, Animal Web Cams,
- The Boreal Forest: Boreal Forest News, Canadian Boreal Initiative, Global Forest watch - with maps, Atlas of Canada Maps, Boreal Forest.org, Canadian Geographic,
- Resource Conservation Manitoba - ready, set, recycle
- Earth Day Sites: Teacher Planet, Environment Canada, Nasa Earth Science, Earth Day Games, News etc with National, Geographic, Thinkfinity, EcoKids Canada, Earth Day Canada, SpaceTime Enviroment Videos, Education World, Earth Day, EE Activities for Earth Day, Greening Schools - Middle Years, Caring for the Earth Unit, Earth Day Interactive Activities - Scholastic,
- Climate Change: Natural Resources Canada, United Nations, Canada and Kyoto, Green House Gases Map,
- Pollution: Guide to less toxic products, What's in household products, National Institute of Environmental Health Science, Cancer and toxins
- Alternative Energies: Manitoba Hydro Wind Power, American Wind Energy, Wind and Hydro Power, How Nuclear Power Works, Frontline: Nuclear Power,
- Breathing Earth - population, deaths, carbon emissions etc.
- Resources for Rethinking is a free, on-line database of classroom-ready resources and lesson plans to help teachers bring environmental, social and economic themes and concepts into their classrooms. Each R4R resource has been reviewed by an experienced classroom teacher and matched to curriculum outcomes for all provinces and territories.
Rocks and Minerals
Natural Disasters
- Current 2009 Flood Information - CBC Manitoba
- Weather: National Geographic, Instructional Materials, Teacher Resources, Animated Guide to Natural Disasters
- Hurricanes: Hurricanes Newspaper, Environment Canada Hurricanes, Fema for Kids, Online Meteorology Guide, National Hurricane Center, How Hurricanes Work, Tropical Twisters, Scholastic - Hurricanes
- Natural Phenomena
- Floods: CBC Archives - Manitoba Floods
- Tornadoes: Online Tornade FAQ, Scholastic Weather Watch
- Cell Biology, Traits of Life - cell division
- Forensic Views of the Body
- Dissections: Froguts.com, Virtual Frog Dissection Kit, Frog Dissection Lab,
- Pandemics: World Health Organization , Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg, Emerging and Remerging Diseases, Bird Flu, US Flu site, Canadian Flu Watch, overreaction to pandemics
- Health Map - Global Map of diseases around the world, Kids Health, Kids' Health, US Health Services, Medline Plus,
- BioEd Online
- Diseases: Mayo Clinic, Health Canada
Other Interesting Sites
20 Wonderful Online Museums including NASA
Hinterland Videos - Canadian Animals
Science Fair: Canada Wide Virtual Science Fair, Super Science Fair, 100s of Science Fairs, School Science Fairs, Internet Public Library Scienc Fairs, Experiments with the Brain, Science Club
Energy Related Science Fair Ideas: Energy Information Administration, Zerofootprint Kids Calculator
Forensics: Why Files CSI, Virtual Exhibit, NOVA, Discovery Education - archaeology and chemistry
- Neat Science web sites: Strange Science,Eye for Science, Try Science - experiments, games, web cameras etc.,Think Quest - Science web site made by kids for kids, Science Museum of Minnesota, Kids Know it Networke, Inventions: Canadian Inventors, CBC Inventors, How Stuff Works, Inventive Kids, Inventive Women, Inventors and Inventions, Inventors Timeline, Inventing Modern America, Patenting an Invention, From Idea to Reality, Inventors and Inventions Theme Page, Rube Goldberg's Fun Inventions, MY Interdisciplinary Inventions Unit, Sanford Fleming - time zones
- Astronomy - Celestia, The Worldwide Telescope
- Cryosphere - all things frozen
- Time Zones: Time Services, Math Forum- time and calendars, Research Guide for Students, Canadian Time Zone Maps, Greenwich Mean Time, Canadian Geographic
- Popular Science Magazine online
- Online Conversions - cooking measurements, clothing sizes, temperature, etc
- The Khan Academy - video lessons on different math/science subjects with a teacher teaching the lesson
- My Learning at Home - a Manitoba Education site to support Math/Science students
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